Thomas SchwederskyMartin BruderHeike SteckhanLaura KunertKlaus Hermanns

Reflections on the Methodology of Systemic Institutional Evaluations: The Example of the Evaluation of Engagement Global


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Institutional evaluations can contribute to the periodic review of the functionality of institutions and organizations. However, so far there is no clearly defined evaluation approach for institutional evaluations. Starting from a distinction between different types of organisation- or institution-related evaluations and analyses, this article contains conceptual considerations for the integration of a systemic evaluation approach in institutional evaluations. The possible implementation of a systemic approach in an institutional evaluation is illustrated by using the example of the institutional evaluation of Engagement Global conducted by the German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval). A reflection on the challenges that arise in the implementation of this evaluation approach follows. The article ends with a call for increased evaluative attention to institutions and organisations.

Institution, Methodology, System, Evaluation Approach

APA citation
Schwedersky, T., Bruder, M., Steckhan, H., Kunert, L. & Hermanns K. (2022). Überlegungen zur Methodologie von systemischen institutionellen Evaluierungen: das Beispiel der Evaluierung von Engagement Global. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 21(2), 293-315.