Issue 2/2010, 9. Volume
Determinants for the Success of Labour Market Programmes
A Plea for Multi-Methodic Strategies of Data Collection and Analysis Exemplified by Means of a Regional Pilot Project
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Over the course of the last years considerable progress can be observed regarding the evaluation of labour market programmes, mostly due to the improved quality of administrative data and methods in the field of impact analysis. At the same time there’s often a lack of adequate data and research providing sufficient information on the quality of implementation of labour market programmes. In this context the article at hand tries to develop approaches for collecting relevant data and examining their impact on the outcome of labour market programmes exemplified by means of a regional pilot project. This includes a specifically developed monitoring system containing individual level data, questionnaires as well as a qualitative study of the project’s („JobTrainer NRW“) central group of ac-tors („JobCoaches“) and indicators depicting the conditions of the regional labour market. These different types of data then are joined in a multivariate model in order to explain their relevance regarding the individual success of project participation of the participants. It turns out that especially the partly qualitatively data depicting the quality of implementation prove to be of considerable relevance regarding the individual success of programme participation.
Labour Market, Implementation Research, Monitoring, Multi-Methodic Strategies
APA citation
Bauer, F. & Fuchs P. (2010). Determinanten für den Erfolg arbeitsmarktpolitischer Maßnahmen: Ein Plädoyer für multi-methodische Erhebungs- und Auswertungsstrategien am Beispiel eines regionalen Modellprojekts. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 9(2), .