Issue 4/2020, 112. Volume Page 454–468
Are “Needs-based” Allocations Needs-based?
An Empirical Study of the Handling of School Funds and Views of Primary School Principals
Reduction of the correlation between school success and social background is an ongoing educational policy priority – not only since the introduction of comparative studies. The education administration is attempting to counteract this phenomenon with the help of the steering element of “needs-based” allocation of funds. This article focuses not only on this level, but also on the individual school level, by placing the school principal as an actor in the administrative dealing with these needs-based resources and his or her view of these allocations in the analytical center.
social inequality, needs-based resource management, school leadership, educational governance, qualitative governance research
APA citation
Gröschner C. (2020). „Bedarfsgerechte“ Mittelzuweisung bedarfsgerecht?: Ein empirischer Blick auf den Umgang mit schulischen Mitteln und die Sichtweisen von Grundschulleitungen. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 112(4), 454-468.