Gabriele BellenbergChristoph BresslerChristian ReintjesCarolin Rotter

Alternative Teacher Education Programs in North Rhine-Westphalia

Perspectives of School Management and Training Coordinators


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Against the background of the teacher shortage and the establishment of alternative paths into the teaching profession, this article focuses on the way school management and training coordinators in North Rhine-Westphalia employ the instrument of alternative teacher education programs. Aft er providing the current state of research, the main part of the article presents selected results of an explorative interview study conducted at four schools and then continues to discuss them from a profession-theoretical perspective.

alternative teacher education, professionalization, teacher shortage, in-service teacher training

APA citation
Bellenberg, G., Bressler, C., Reintjes, C. & Rotter C. (2020). Der Seiteneinstieg in den Lehrerberuf in Nordrhein-Westfalen: Perspektiven von Schulleitungen und Ausbildungsbeauftragten. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 112(4), 399-413.