Guri Ellen Barstad,
Arnstein Hjelde,
Sigmund Kvam,
Anastasia Parianou,
John Todd
Language and Nation
Crossroads and Connections
2016, 320 pages, E-Book (PDF), 0,00 €, ISBN 978-3-8309-8497-9
With contributions by
André Avias,
Guri Ellen Barstad,
Wladimir Chávez,
Hans Petter Hermansen,
Arnstein Hjelde,
Benthe Kolberg Jansson,
Arne Kruse,
Sigmund Kvam,
Franck Orban,
Anastasia Parianou,
Jürgen F. Schopp,
Vilelmini Sosoni,
John Todd,
Elin Nesje Vestli
Overall, I found the volume very interesting for various reasons. First, each contribution gives access to a complex context, being accessible without being simplistic. This facilitates international comparisons among the contexts described by contributors, as between these and readers’ research context background. Second, through its international scope, Language and Nation. Crossroads and Connections covers the various dimensions of how language may be linked to nation. Third, the detailed historical and national backgrounds enable to situate contemporary national identity issues. Fourth, the written attention to readers makes this volume accessible to a wide audience, from undergraduate students to senior scholars, and including the experts interesting in understanding nation and identity building in the concernedcontexts.
Stéphanie Cassilde in: Language, Discourse & Society, 2(8)/2016