Juliane KarakayalıBirgit zur NiedenÇağrı KahveciSophie GroßMareike Heller

The Continuity of Separation

Preparatory Classes for Recently Immigrated Children and Youth in the Context of Historical Forms of Segregated Schooling

Shortlink: https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART102186

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Arguing from a perspective of organizational theory this article shows historical continuities of segregated schooling of migrant children in Berlin. Based on results of a study conducted at Berlin primary schools it is shown how the lack of regulations for Willkommensklassen [“Welcoming Classes”] leads to the development of routines, which mainly rely on historical procedures and are legitimized with historically known legitimations.

refugees, Willkommensklassen, preparatory school classes for recently immigrated children and youths, school classes for foreign children, migration, segregated classes, integration, organization theory

APA citation
Karakayalı, J., zur Nieden, B., Kahveci, Ç., Groß, S. & Heller M. (2017). Die Kontinuität der Separation: Vorbereitungsklassen für neu zugewanderte Kinder und Jugendliche im Kontext historischer Formen separierter Beschulung. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 109(3), 223-235. https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART102186