Ausgabe 1/2006, 102. Jahrgang
Roma – missachtete Minderheit Europas
Ein Plädoyer für eine verstärkte Beachtung in Lehre und Forschung in unserem Fach
Artikel kaufenAbstract
At the latest since the eastward enlargement of the European Union the Roma, the largest ethnic minority of Europe, increasingly attracted the interest of politics and science. Pan-European organizations and numerous non-governmental organizations pointed out that the various groups of Roma in eastern Europe are the actual losers of the transformation processes after 1990, that they are disregarded and excluded, and that they are badly off compared to the respective majority in many respects, like education, access to employment, habitation, health etc. We still have little knowledge about cultures and lifestyles of the Roma groups despite of increasing literature about them. Overview data of economists, political scientists, sociologist etc. are available indeed, ethnological studies on site are still rare. This contribution would like to invite studies on this so far rather neglected area.
Matter M. (2006). Roma – missachtete Minderheit EuropasEin Plädoyer für eine verstärkte Beachtung in Lehre und Forschung in unserem Fach. Zeitschrift für Volkskunde, 102(1), .