Ausgabe 1/2015, 21. Jahrgang S. 70–104
Zeitliche Rahmenbedingungen für schulische Bildung im internationalen Vergleich
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Changes in temporal conditions of school-based learning processes are often made with recourse to selected factors and international comparisons to justify school reforms. Following up on this, in this article the overall question is analyzed, to what extent single time factors are appropriate in order to characterize school systems concerning their use of time for educational processes on an international comparison. In this article in a first step, the factor ‘time’ regarding schools will be viewed from a school-educational perspective. On the basis of a ‘schooltime-cuboid’, criteria concerning the time factor will be worked out in an international comparison. These elaborations form the background for the second step, the quantitative analyses of temporal conditions of European school education systems of countries that participated in IGLU/TIMSS 2011. In a third step, these quantitative analyses will be complemented by qualitative comparisons of the school systems of the Federal Republic of Germany, England, Finland and the Russian Federation regarding the handling of time in the context of school-based learning processes. Concerning international comparisons, the presented results indicate the importance of a holistic view on temporal conditions in schools that goes beyond the observation of single factors and the need for further research in order to receive an explanation regarding the impact of framework conditions and the use of time in the context of school-based learning processes.
Buddeberg, M., Hornberg, S. & Pawicki M. (2015). Zeitliche Rahmenbedingungen für schulische Bildung im internationalen Vergleich. Tertium Comparationis, 21(1), 70-104.