Ausma Spona

Veränderter Umgang mit sprachlicher Vielfalt in Lettland


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The following deals with changes in the linguistic situation in Latvia. The main focus is here at the reactions on this changes in school. The linguistic conditions in Latvia are described und the socio-linguistic situation will be examined. Particularly introduced are the changing role of foreign lan-guages in the school and the shift of their status. Furthermore the pedagogical orientation of the teach-ing of foreign languages will be explained. Then the discussion deals with revisions of the curriculum in the field of foreign languages under consideration of that socio-linguistic and intercultural orienta-tion, that shall support the learning of foreign languages in Latvia in a way which orientates toward the learners. Under this circumstances priority is given to the development of the personality and the inte-gration into society. This leads to reformulated aims in the field of foreign languages: discovery and support of everybody’s opportunities of individual development, the creation of possibilities and con-ditions for such a self development and the task to accustom everybody to the use of his own possibili-ties and his own experiences in the examination of the real surroundings and the linguistic diversity.

Spona A. (2002). Veränderter Umgang mit sprachlicher Vielfalt in Lettland. Tertium Comparationis, 8(1), .