Aysun Doğmuş

Die Optimierung als radikal Anderer – Zum rassismusrelevanten Wissen und Unwissen im Professionalisierungsprozess des Referendariats

Kurzlink: https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART104718

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In the discourse of educational science, optimization as a concept and discourse itself characterizes a problem horizon with controversial orientations. In this regard, especially optimization affirmation and optimization criticism come to the forefront. In particular, the entry of economistic ideas into educational sciences and educational policies are highly debated topics. However, in the context of migration, the educational call of the optimization claims shifts to an integration call. The prerequisite for this emergent integration call is the optimizing construction of the other as radical other. Based on this thesis, the article discusses the optimization as the radical other in the teacher traineeship. The main argument is that the optimization of the constructed radical other goes hand in hand with the state of knowledge and non-knowledge relevant to racism and how this state is integrated into the professional orientations of prospective teachers.

Doğmuş A. (2021). Die Optimierung als radikal Anderer – Zum rassismusrelevanten Wissen und Unwissen im Professionalisierungsprozess des Referendariats. Tertium Comparationis, 27(1), 7-23. https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART104718