Ausgabe 1/2018, 24. Jahrgang S. 37–56
Operationalisierung einer postkolonialen Theorieperspektive im Kontext international-vergleichender erziehungswissenschaftlicher Forschung
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This article discusses the operationalisation of Postcolonial Theory in research studies undertaken in International and Comparative Education (ICE). The epistemic benefit generated through this enables to firstly disentangle international socio-historic interdependencies of countries with their imperial and colonial past as well as their impacts on current ‘hybrid’ societies. This article provides a case study on child domestic workers in Nigeria. By means of this it will be illustrated how a postcolonial theoretical approach is on the one hand operated as an analytical framework to examine the effects of global and international processes in postcolonial societies. On the other hand, a postcolonial perspective served here as a frame of reference to reflect the methodologies applied in the research.
Gankam Tambo I. (2018). Operationalisierung einer postkolonialen Theorieperspektive im Kontext international-vergleichender erziehungswissenschaftlicher Forschung. Tertium Comparationis, 24(1), 37-56.