Ausgabe 2/2007, 103. Jahrgang S. 197–221
Technik als Querschnittsdimension Kulturwissenschaftliche Technikforschung am Beispiel von Weblog-Nutzung in Frankreich und Deutschland
Artikel kaufenAbstract
Against the backdrop of the historical processes of (industrial) mechanization and in the framework of the German Volkskunde, a discipline which has been for a long time dominated by an abstinence from technology, the article outlines the development of the concept of cultural-scientific technology research. Constitutive for this concept are not only the materiality of the technology and the users but also biographic experiences in terms of habituation and familiarization as a further historical dimension. By the example of the discourse about the different uses of the Internet-based media format weblog in France and Germany the article shows in which respects cultural-scientific technology research provides an extended analysis perspective. Both in relation to technology-deterministically and culturalistically abbreviated explanations of the empirical differences in the diffusion as well as in the practices of blogging, the article insists on the necessity of including basic political, economic and institutional conditions. Concretely it is asked, in how far the political as well as the educational system contribute to the production of these differences.
Schönberger K. (2007). Technik als Querschnittsdimension Kulturwissenschaftliche Technikforschung am Beispiel von Weblog-Nutzung in Frankreich und Deutschland. Zeitschrift für Volkskunde, 103(2), 197-221.