Facing the Unknown Future

During the 20 year history of the European Network for Religious Education through Contextual Approaches (ENRECA), several books have been published on the subject of Religious Education, from sociological, psychological or anthropological perspectives and always in the contextual settings of national educational frameworks and other specific culturally bound phenomena. Also, very often, an international comparative perspective was included. The shared goal was not so much to reflect on religion as such, and on its changing doctrines, institutions and prescriptions, but to try and understand religion in the specific European contexts of secularization and the plurality of life orientations, and to understand how religion becomes manifest in education in a variety of concrete policies and classroom practices, reflecting various social issues.

This volume, marking the 20th anniversary of ENRECA, has a specific focus on the contextual dimension of time.


Doch das Buch beeindruckt darin, dass sich die meisten Autoren an dem durch Vor- und Nachwort beschriebenen thematischen Rahmen orientieren und so ein organisches Ganzes entstanden ist, vergleichbar einer Pflanze, die ihre Wurzeln in unterschiedliche Bereiche des Bodens austreibt.
Dr. Karl Vörckel, auf: rpp-katholisch.

There are two major elements of the book that make it so remarkable. First, it discusses the role and impact of time through research into religious education theory and practice for a broader understanding of the past and present, thereby equipping readers to plan the future. We may know that time is fundamental to our experiences of teaching and learning, but our understanding of the underlying dimensions of this relationship has been limited and is mostly based on our experiences, assumptions, and/or common sense rather than empirical evidence. [...] Second, many contributions, though deeply contextual, have international outlooks that go beyond national concerns. Each author speaks from their particular context but provides a pedagogical view that supports students’ encounters in an increasingly global society.
Mualla Selçuk, in: Religious Education (2021), https://doi.org/10.1080/00344087.2021.1901055.

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