Zeynep Kalkavan-Aydın,
Yazgül Şimşek
Deutsch-Türkische Zweisprachigkeit mit besonderem Fokus auf Jugendliche
Turkish-German Bilingualism with a Special Focus on Adolescents
2024, Mehrsprachigkeit / Multilingualism, Band 58, 184 Seiten, broschiert, 29,90 €, ISBN 978-3-8309-4875-9
Mit Beiträgen von
Esin Işıl Gülbeyaz,
Annette Herkenrath,
Kateryna Iefremenko,
Zeynep Kalkavan-Aydın,
Carol W. Pfaff,
Christin Schellhardt,
Christoph Schroeder,
Yazgül Şimşek,
Mehmet Tahir Öncü
Die Studien tragen zu der Erkenntnis bei, dass die deutsch-türkische Zweisprachigkeit im Mehrsprachigkeitskontext seine Besonderheiten hat, die nicht an einer monolingualen Norm gemessen werden können, sondern vielmehr ihren Ursprung in einer spezifischen zweisprachigen Verarbeitung von Wissen haben und durch soziale Umstände der Migrationsgesellschaft (mit-)bestimmt werden.
The studies in this book presented in German and English contribute to answering the question of the extent to which Turkish can continue to be viewed as a ‘very alive language’ in Germany and what special features the bilingual acquisition processes are subject to. The results should be viewed as pieces of a very large puzzle, which include individual areas of acquisition (such as morphology) as well as the use of Turkish – especially by adolescents.
The studies therefore contribute to the knowledge that German-Turkish bilingualism in the multilingual context has its peculiarities that cannot be measured against a monolingual norm, but rather have their origin in a specific bilingual processing of knowledge and are influenced by the social circumstances of the migration society.