Teacher Education

Daniela WorekChristian Kraler (Hrsg.)

Teacher Education

The Bologna Process and the Future of Teaching

2021,  128  Seiten,  broschiert,  29,90 €,  ISBN 978-3-8309-4356-3

Mit Beiträgen von
Fernando AlexandreCarlos BarreiraIlídia CabralHeidelies Bierbach-MüllerEllen ChristoforatouVlatka DomovićMarvin ErfurthJoseph GiordmainaSimona IftimescuRomiță IucuChristian KralerJoanna Madalińska-MichalakElaine MuntheMojca PečekMichael SchratzUrsula UzerliDaniela Worek

zurück zur Übersicht

In 1999, the year when the Bologna declaration was signed, the foundation of the European Network of Teacher Education Policies (ENTEP) was proposed by the Portuguese Minister of Education to his Colleagues in the European Union Member States. “Teacher Education – The Bologna Process and the Future of Teaching” reflects current challenges of Teacher Education in Europe based upon these 20 years of development. The Bologna process has become a crucial reference point for the modernization in higher education institutions. ENTEP, as European network of policy makers and researchers, has been working along these lines and has always sought to bring to fruition its vision for a European Higher Education Area (EHEA), where Teacher Education has a special place in the European landscape.

In this volume, ENTEP members from different countries cover fundamental questions of teacher education in the European Higher Education Area. They discuss crucial aspects like fundaments, Initial Teacher Education, lifelong learning, evaluation, policy making, research and efforts to build bridges into the future. Thus, the book might serve as a starting point for discussions about future roles of teachers in Europe on different levels towards a European development of teacher professionalism.

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