Challenging Life: Existential Questions as a Resource for Education

There is an increasing recognition today that young people need to have knowledge about religions and world views in order to live and work in diverse societies. What kind of ‘maps’ are they provided with through religious, values and ethics education? Does education address the challenging existential questions that children and adolescents ask about life and the world? This volume addresses different aspects of how existential questions have been dealt with in educational research. It especially draws attention to the Swedish research tradition of focusing on life questions and the interpretation of life in education, but with contemporary international research added. It also addresses issues of ethics education and discusses possible options for the future of existential questions as a resource for education.


Teachers in primary and secondary schools and university lecturers will benefit from reading this book. [...] But also parents, priests, catechists, youth leaders in Church and the religious community will gladly remember the importance of existential conversations and discover the opportunities they have to hold such conversations [...].
Rune Øystese, in: Prismet 70/4 (2019) (translated from Norwegian).

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