Ulrike Groß
Dance in West Africa
Analysis and description in relation to aspects of communication theory
2020, Internationale Hochschulschriften, Band 673, 176 Seiten, broschiert, 29,90 €, ISBN 978-3-8309-3874-3
Grounding her research within a genealogy of dance scholarship and communication theories, Ulrike Groß contributes to the growing literature on how dance is a mechanism for nonverbal communication. While she does an excellent job showing how dance is “a unique form of communication and of equal purpose [to spoken language]” (44), her reliance on structural communication theories and pictographic notations of an individual body does not allow for investigating how Adzogbo communicates to participants in the dance event(see Royce 1977).
Dana Vanderburgh, in: Africa Today 68(1), S. 153.