Base-1 method: A structural-functional approach to word, sentence and discourse readability

Bernd Nuss

Base-1 method: A structural-functional approach to word, sentence and discourse readability

2018,  256  Seiten,  broschiert,  with numerous, mostly coloured illustrations,  39,90 €,  ISBN 978-3-8309-3871-2

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Text readability is at the core of successful reading instruction and language learning. To counteract the challenges of complex reading content, text leveling is a vital necessity for readers with limited language access.
A transdisciplinary analysis of reading development and linguistic interrelations builds the theoretical foundation of the base-1 method. This method focuses solely on structural and functional text elements on the word, sentence and cohesion level. But this book also discusses the significance of other prevalent readability factors, such as the reader´s language knowledge or socio-cultural background. The base-1 method is designed to level early reading texts in German and other alphabetic languages.
Experimental tests with a German immersion population has led to a preliminary calibration to demonstrate the validity of this approach.


Wer sich dafür interessiert, wie verschiedene Fachgebiete auf Lesen und Verständlichkeit blicken, findet hier eine interessante und kompakte Darstellung der verschiedenen Herangehensweisen.
Marcus C. G. Friedrich, in: Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie 34 (1), S. 63.

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