The Intercultural Dialogue

Thor-André Skrefsrud

The Intercultural Dialogue

Preparing Teachers for Diversity

2016,  Religious Diversity and Education in Europe,  Band 30,  152  Seiten,  broschiert,  24,90 €,  ISBN 978-3-8309-3413-4

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The speed, scale and spread of international migration and globalisation have firmly placed the issue of intercultural dialogue at the top of the educational agenda in Europe and elsewhere. In “The Intercultural Dialogue”, Thor-André Skrefsrud sheds light on intercultural dialogue as a key competence for teachers working in changing and diverse classrooms. In the first part, the notion of dialogue is explored with the theory of culture, religion and communication as the focus. In the second part, Skrefsrud analyses the government-initiated curriculum framework for teacher education in Norway and discusses the preconditions for intercultural dialogue in educational policies. The analysis illustrates how difficult it is to make issues of difference permeate all aspects of teacher education.


An average book informs but an outstanding book sparks self-reflection and may even compel the reader to act in new and bold ways. The Intercultural Dialogue: Preparing Teachers for Diversity is an outstanding read that I recommend for any educator or educational policy-maker. The analysis offered by Skrefsrud has the potential to move educational discourse a significant step closer towards the day when all humanity realizes a beloved world community.
William Scott Harralson in: Wabash Center For Teaching and Learning In Theology and Religion

[I]t provides analysis, views and possible attitudes to confront not only the "crisis" itself, but the worrying reactions to it as well, particularly within education.
Darko Štrajn, in: International Review of Education 64 (2018), S, 413.

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