Turnen and Sport

Annette R. Hofmann (Hrsg.)

Turnen and Sport

Transatlantic Transfers

2004,  German and American Studies in Sport,  Band 5,  244  Seiten,  E-Book (PDF),  26,90 €,  ISBN 978-3-8309-6381-3

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In 1991 Roland Naul edited "Turnen and Sport. The Cross-Cultural Exchange". The contributions to his publication examined the influence of two physical culture systems, namely turnen and sport in Germany and America. Although the subtitle has been slightly changed, this new publication again takes up the same focus and has to be seen as a supplement to Naul 1991.

An international group of authors contributed eleven articles to this edition with an interdisciplinary approach. The authors belong to different scientific fields, such as general history and sport history, sport pedagogy, library sciences, and German and American studies. They all have in common that they do research on turnen and sport in Germany and the United States.

The authors are:

Roland Binz, Lars Dzikus, March Krotee, Annette R. Hofmann, Dolores Hoyt, Alida J. Moonen, Roland Naul, Roberta Park, Gertrud Pfister, Katja Rampelmann, Kevin Wamsley, Gerhard Wiesinger.


Sehr interessante Einblicke in die Sportpraxis deutscher Turner Ende des 19. und Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts in amerikanischen Städten [...] liefern vier Fallstudien, in denen die Entstehung, Entwicklung und Ausstrahlung deutscher Turnvereine dargestellt wird.
Datenbank Sportbox

[Der Band ist] jedem historisch interessiertem deutschen Turnbruder des 21. Jahrhunderts empfohlen [...].
Sandra Schmidt in: LEON*. H. 1(2006)