Martin Rothgangel,
Kerstin von Brömssen,
Hans-Günter Heimbrock,
Geir Skeie
Location, Space and Place in Religious Education
2017, Religious Diversity and Education in Europe, Band 34, 234 Seiten, broschiert, 34,90 €, ISBN 978-3-8309-3625-1
Mit Beiträgen von
Ina ter Avest,
Cok Bakker,
Kerstin von Brömssen,
Nigel Fancourt,
Kåre S. Fuglseth,
Carsten Gennerich,
Hans-Günter Heimbrock,
Julia Ipgrave,
David Käbisch,
Silke Leonhard,
Christina Osbeck,
Signild Risenfors,
Martin Rothgangel,
Geir Skeie,
Karin Sporre
Although every practice of religious education is situated and contextually dependent, religious education (RE) research until now has not systematically paid attention to this fundamental insight. This volume is devoted specifically to clarifying the close relationship between RE practice and spatial and situational conditions.
After clarifying the main concepts in Part 1, Part 2 includes chapters related to classroom studies, while Part 3 focuses on studies about teachers of religious education. Part 4 contains studies beyond the classroom, such as school chapels, churches, and ‘inner space’.
All contributions to this volume were developed in the context of the European Network for Religious Education through Contextual Approaches (ENRECA) which has focused recently on the central issue of space and place.