Li, Chyia-Chang

Chyi-Chang Li, Dr., is associate professor of Th e Graduate School of Arts and Humanities Instruction (GSAHI), National Taiwan University of Arts. GSAHI is based on an exploration of three academic fields: visual (arts), auditory (music) and kinesthetically (drama and dance). He is interested in directing, acting and performing arts education, and was the editor of Research in Arts Education in 2016 and 2017. Currently, he is the Co-Principal Investigator of Cross-disciplinary Aesthetic Education Project of Developing Experimental Courses in Elementary and Secondary Schools (2014-2018).

International Yearbook for Research in Arts Education 5/2017

International Yearbook for Research in Arts Education 5/2017

Arts Education around the World: Comparative Research Seven Years after the Seoul Agenda

2018,  424  Seiten,  paperback,  44,90 €,  ISBN 978-3-8309-3797-5