Schram, Sophie
Sophie Schram is a doctoral researcher at the University of Trier within the IRTG Diversity. She is affiliated with the faculty of political science at the University of Trier and associated with the Canada Research Chair in Citizenship and Governance at the Université de Montréal. She holds university degrees in European Studies and Intercultural Communication from the LSE London, the Freie Universität Berlin, Saarland University and Université de Lorraine, and has on-site experience in the field of transnational cooperation and political assistance in France, Germany,
Luxembourg, and the European Union. Her research interests include regional and transnational integration, multilevel political systems, and the politics of ideas in the European Union and Canada. In her PhD, she investigates how the framing of trade
policies impacts upon potential policy choices by comparing French and Quebec political discourse on the Comprehensive and Economic Trade Agreement (2006–2014). Reaching beyond the dichotomy between interest-based and ideational approaches,
she contends that political actors can use ideas strategically.
Veröffentlichungen bei WAXMANN:
Conflicts and Cohabitation
2016, 260 Seiten, broschiert, 32,90 €, ISBN 978-3-8309-3385-4