Conway, David F.

David F. Conway is the Associate Dean in the College of Education at the University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO). He serves on the campus-wide, Distance Learning Advisory Committee. The college offers a fully-online Master’s degree program in Behavioral
Disorders, a blended/hybrid School Library program, and several courses in other undergraduate and graduate programs. His background and training is in special education, specifically in education of children who are deaf/hard of hearing. He directed
a distance training program for teachers in a seven state region. He serves as secretary of the Division for Communication Disabilities and Deafness of the International Council for Exceptional Children. Dr. Conway’s research interests include language and literacy development, and math and science learning.

Digital Media in Teaching and its Added Value

Digital Media in Teaching and its Added Value

2015,  236  Seiten,  paperback,  34,90 €,  ISBN 978-3-8309-3287-1