Pascoe, Robin

Robin Pascoe is Senior Lecturer in Arts and Drama Education, School of Education, Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia. He teaches curriculum units on Arts Education in Primary Schools, Teaching Drama in Secondary Schools and Engaging Communities through Drama. His research interests include markers of quality in arts education, drama curriculum and assessment and teaching artists in teacher education. With his daughter Hannah, he is co-author of Drama and Theatre: Key Terms and Concepts 3rd Edition (2014). Robin is the President (2013-2016) of IDEA, the International Drama/Theatre and Education Association, and a former President of Drama Australia.

International Yearbook for Research in Arts Education 4/2016

International Yearbook for Research in Arts Education 4/2016

At the Crossroads of Arts and Cultural Education: Queries Meet Assumptions

2016,  276  Seiten,  paperback,  39,90 €,  ISBN 978-3-8309-3430-1

International Yearbook for Research in Arts Education 3/2015

International Yearbook for Research in Arts Education 3/2015

The Wisdom of the Many – Key Issues in Arts Education

2015,  566  Seiten,  paperback,  49,90 €,  ISBN 978-3-8309-3119-5