van Eersel, San

San van Eersel (1960) was born in Helmond (the Netherlands) and studied theology in Nijmegen. He worked as a religious education teacher in primary and secondary schools, and has taught religious education in teacher training colleges in Utrecht and Helmond. At present he works as management consultant in the field of (catholic) identity and educational leadership at the Bureau for Catholic Education (BKO) in Woerden and as researcher at the Institute for Catholic Education (IKO), which is affiliated to the Radboud University Nijmegen.
His current research interests are the use of dialogue (both communicatively and substantively) in educational practices (both in class and outside the class) in (catholic) primary schools in the context of cultural and religious diversity. He is married to Fréderieke van Eersel-van der Linden and has two sons, Marijn and Ezra.


Towards Dialogue

Towards Dialogue

Teacher/Student Interaction in Interreligious Communication

2011,  1. Auflage, 168  Seiten,  broschiert,  27,90 €,  ISBN 978-3-8309-2483-8