Jörg StratmannGregor Lang-WojtasikRonja M. Erichsen-Morgenstern

Global Medial – Kompetenzerwerb von Studierenden in einer interkulturellen online bereitgestellten Lernumgebung

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The following describes a project which combines competency acquisition processes in the context of globalization and digitization. The focus is on a program of academic teaching in the intersection of Global Learning and Media Pedagogy, which will enable online-based exchange in the intercultural context of German, Indian and Japanese students.

Globalization, digital media, global learning, media competence

Stratmann, J., Lang-Wojtasik, G. & Erichsen-Morgenstern R. (2018). Global Medial – Kompetenzerwerb von Studierenden in einer interkulturellen online bereitgestellten Lernumgebung. ZEP – Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik, 41(1), 29-33. https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART102445