Florian Kiuppis

From Special Education, via Integration, to Inclusion: Continuity and Change in UNESCO‘s Agenda Setting

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The idea that countries “ensure an inclusive education system at all levels” is the central objective of Article 24 of the UN-Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted in 2006. This article links up with a research project conducted in Comparative Education which analyses different uses of the term “Inclusive Education” in context of the World Conference on Special Needs Education, held in Salamanca in 1994, where UNESCO elevated the guiding principle of “inclusion” to the global educational agenda. The study deals with the follow-up of the World Conference in Salamanca and has a twofold focus: on the level of educational knowledge, particular attention is paid to the changes of the use of this term after it was coined. On the level of organisation, the study elaborates conceptually on the role International Organisations are playing in processes of transformation of educational knowledge.

UNESCO, Salamanca Process, Meanings of Inclusive Education, Analysis of meanings

Kiuppis F. (2016). From Special Education, via Integration, to Inclusion: Continuity and Change in UNESCO‘s Agenda Setting. ZEP – Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik, 39(3), 28-33. https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART102021