Ausgabe 1/2013, 109. Jahrgang S. 77–98
On the Genesis of Heritage: Cultural Heritage between “Sacralization” and “Eventization”
Kulturerbe zwischen ,Sakralisierung‘ und ,Eventisierung‘
Artikel kaufenAbstract
When it comes to issues of cultural heritage, besides Volkskunde / European ethnology and social anthropology particularly the siences of history, historic preservation and archeology are demanded, since many material relics of the past and archaeological sites are marked as “cultural heritage”. Generally it is regarded as imperative to preserve this cultural heritage, especially when it comes to archaeological monuments and sites. As unique witnesses of cultural history they are often also attractive excursion and holiday destinations for everyone. This article deals with the mutual process of making, interpretation and usage of cultural heritage (heritagization). It focusses on the acquisition of archaeological heritage sites/objects as sacred space/object on the one and the eventization and commercialization of cultural heritage on the other hand. The world-famous “Nebra Sky Disk” serves as a case study for cultural analytical reflection. This example clearly demonstrates that it is worthwhile to consider both economic and legal aspects (such as property, trademark and patent rights) in the complex process of heritagization as well as specialized academic discussions.
cultural heritage, archaeological objects, event, sacralization, disneyfication, commodification, presence
Samida S. (2013). Zur Genese von Heritage: Kulturerbe zwischen ,Sakralisierung‘ und ,Eventisierung‘. Zeitschrift für Volkskunde, 109(1), 77-98.