Ausgabe 1/2018, 10. Jahrgang S. 100–122
Svenja Janina Hartwig, Franziska Schwabe
Teacher attitudes and motivation as mediators between teacher training, collaboration, and differentiated instruction
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Heterogeneity in achievement characterizes many classrooms. Teachers can adapt to students’ varying achievement levels by engaging in differentiated instruction (DI). Applying this strategy adequately is influenced by perceived teacher training quality and collaboration. The current study examined the dimensional structure and predictors of DI as well as a mediation of both teachers’ attitudes and motivation. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed a three-dimensional structure of DI. Teacher training and collaboration were proved to be predictors of DI. Expected success as a measure of motivation was confirmed as a mediator of perceived quality of teacher training on DI, but not the two attitude aspects perceived utility and costs. The relevance of the findings for teacher education and school as a workplace is discussed.
Differentiated instruction; Heterogeneity in achievement; Teacher attitudes; Teacher motivation
Hartwig, S. & Schwabe F. (2018). Teacher attitudes and motivation as mediators between teacher training, collaboration, and differentiated instruction. Journal for Educational Research Online (JERO), 10(1), 100-122.