Ausgabe 4/2016, 108. Jahrgang S. 412–430
Robert Moosbrugger, Christoph Helm, David Kemethofer, Sandra Bröderbauer, Susanne Luthe
Obstacles to Learning in the Perspective of School Leaders
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We analyze data from a school leader survey on perceived obstacles to learning at school. Data was collected in an Austrian complete survey at lower secondary level (N = 1,416), using open-ended questions, and was analyzed by means of a content analysis and compared to findings from closed items. The results show that school leaders most frequently identify lacking student abilities, heterogeneous classrooms and learning groups, and less supportive student family backgrounds as obstacles to learning at school. Surprisingly often school leaders think that administrative work is hindering student learning. These findings are discussed against the background of recent school reforms in Austria.
obstacles to learning at school, school leader survey, qualitative content analysis
Moosbrugger, R., Helm, C., Kemethofer, D., Bröderbauer, S. & Luthe S. (2016). Standortspezifische Hemmfaktoren des schulischen Lernens – eine qualitative Analyse von Schulleiteraussagen. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 108(4), 412-430.