Christian HörschKatja ScharenbergEva-Maria WaltnerWerner Rieß

How Does Education for Sustainable Development Succeed at School?

An Empirical Study on the Development of Students’ Sustainability
Competencies and the Role of Teachers


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The present study examined how sustainability competencies of secondary-school students in Baden-Wuerttemberg developed within the course of a school year (n = 1318, grades 5–8). Multilevel analyses revealed effects of the learning environment (teachers, grade, type of school, participation in Fridays for Future) on the development of sustainability competencies. The contribution discusses the significance of the findings for Education for Sustainable Development at school.

Education for Sustainable Development, competence development, multilevelanalysis

Hörsch, C., Scharenberg, K., Waltner, E. & Rieß W. (2023). Wie gelingt Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in der Schule?: Eine empirische Studie zur Entwicklung von Nachhaltigkeitskompetenzen und zur Rolle der Lehrkraft. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 115(2), 105-116.