Johanna Lochner

Virtueller Schulgartenaustausch: Ein innovativer Lernansatz im Kontext von Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung


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This article addresses Virtual School Garden Exchanges. In Virtual School Garden Exchanges, primary and secondary school students from the Global North and Global South exchange virtually on their school gardening experiences. The article indicates the status quo of the research field, presents insights into the intentions and observations educators have or make in Virtual School Garden Exchanges. In summary, it has been shown that it is an innovative approach. On the one hand it is an opportunity to implement Transformative Learning, on the other hand the article shows that it does not guarantee good Education for Sustainable Development practice, as there is the risk of creating Othering between international learners.

Education for sustainable Development, School Garden, virtual Exchange, Othering, transformative Learning

Lochner J. (2022). Virtueller Schulgartenaustausch: Ein innovativer Lernansatz im Kontext von Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung . ZEP – Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik, 45(2), 20-22.