Ausgabe 1/2020, 112. Jahrgang S. 41–61
Andreas Lehmann-Wermser, Horst Weishaupt
On the Situation of Music Education at Primary School Level, Future Needs for Music Teachers and Respective Provisions
The German Music Council and federal state music councils commissioned a study on music education at primary schools in Germany, and central findings are reported here. The introductory analysis of the situation informs about different stipulations across federal states regarding music education and their implementation, particularly with respect to instruction by non-skilled teachers. The following considerations concerning the future need for trained music teachers take the situation into account, i.e., the teachers due to retire as well as the number of teachers aged under 35 years, together with the development of primary school population figures, the number of music teaching graduates with a second level state exam in the past decade, the number of students enrolled in music teaching at primary school level, and the number of career changers who opt for teaching music at primary school level. This information is used for model calculations on the prospective number of music teachers in 2028. Possible consequences for music education are described as well as measures that need to be taken.
music education, music teacher need, primary school, comparison across states, needs development, music teacher shortage, younger music teachers
Lehmann-Wermser, A. & Weishaupt H. (2020). Zur Situation des Musikunterrichts an den Grundschulen und zum zukünftigen Musiklehrkräftebedarf und -angebot. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 112(1), 41-61.