Claudia Pereira KastensElke Döring-SeipelTimo Nolle

Acquiring self-efficacy and reducing emotional exhaustion? – Effects of teacher educators’ feedback


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Beginning teachers experience remarkable occupational stress undergoing the German teacher preparation program. While they are enrolled in teaching seminars and making first practical experiences in the classroom, they are instructed by teacher educators. With this study we analyzed whether feedback given by teacher educators on instructional quality of the beginning teachers, has substantial effects on the development of their self-efficacy beliefs and reduction of experienced emotional exhaustion. For N = 979 beginning teacher’s emotional exhaustion, and self-efficacy beliefs were assessed at the beginning, and after the third semester of the teacher preparation programme, perceived feedback (praise, fairness of appraisal, developmental orientation, and individual reference) after one year. We found expected increase in self-efficacy beliefs and emotional exhaustion, and correlations between both criteria and feedback characteristics. But as structural equation models revealed teacher educator’s feedback could not explain changes in self-efficacy beliefs or emotional exhaustion. However, beginning teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs and level of emotional exhaustion had effects on the perception of teacher educators’ feedback.

Beginning teachers, Self-efficacy beliefs, Emotional exhaustion, Feedback

Pereira Kastens, C., Döring-Seipel, E. & Nolle T. (2020). Selbstwirksamkeit erlangen, Belastung reduzieren? – Effekte des Feedbackverhaltens der Ausbilder/innen in Unterrichtsnachbesprechungen. Journal for Educational Research Online (JERO), 12(1), 68-91.