Ausgabe 2/2018, 17. Jahrgang S. 269–287
Steffen Wild, Ernst Deuer, Philipp Pohlenz
Understanding the Characteristics of Academic Success – A Perspective of Professors at the Faculty of Business, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) Based on a Typecasting Experiment
Artikel kaufenAbstract
Discussions on the characteristics of academic success have become rather popular over the last few years. However, a common ground of understanding of this term does not exist. This is even more true for undergraduates of a cooperative education system, due to the potentially differing points of view of the partner companies. The study is based on interviews with professors at the faculty of business, Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) about their perception of the characteristics of academic success. The research (N=156) identified three profiles for understanding the characteristics of academic success: "an exposed subject focus", "a student focus" and "a comprehensive labour market focus". The three profiles represent the first step in evaluating the understanding of academic success in programs of cooperative education. The profiles additionally provide a starting point for comparing the perspectives of different stakeholder groups. Furthermore, they present an opportunity to conduct internal and external comparative analyses, at or between institutes of higher education, involving different subject-related disciplines and cultural groups.
Academic Success, Latent Profile Analysis, Business Economists, Cooperative Education
Wild, S., Deuer, E. & Pohlenz P. (2018). Studienerfolgsverständnis von hauptamtlichen Lehrkräften im Studienbereich Wirtschaft der Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) – Ein Typisierungsversuch. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 17(2), 269-287.