Ausgabe 3/2018, 110. Jahrgang S. 227–240
Johanna Otto, Bettina Streese, Wiebke Fiedler-Ebke
Regional Network Structures in the Context of Educational Disadvantages, Using the Example of the Bielefeld Network “Include All Children”
This article discusses the question of how network structures with the purpose of reducing educational disadvantages can be developed and established on a regional level. Therefore, collaboration and networks in general as well as regional networks in particular will be examined in order to answer the aforementioned question, using the example of the network Include All Children, which was initiated and significantly devised by the Bielefeld education initiative Tabula e. V.
education network, educational disadvantages, voluntary work
Otto, J., Streese, B. & Fiedler-Ebke W. (2018). Regionale Netzwerkstrukturen im Kontext von Bildungsbenachteiligungen am Beispiel des Bielefelder Netzwerks Alle Kinder mitnehmen. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 110(3), 227-240.