Ausgabe 2/2018, 41. Jahrgang S. 11–18
Die Bildungsagenda der Vereinten Nationen aus dem Blickwinkel der internationalen Bildungsforschung
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) declared in 2015 by the United Nations to be globally implemented by 2030 encompass one goal which is specifically devoted to a broad range of education and instruction – goal four (SDG 4) which reads: “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”. The following article focuses this topic from the perspective of international research in education. In a first point this is realised by placing the SDG 4 into its broader historical context with other UNprograms since the 1990s. Programmatic declarations such as the SDGs are often employing rather vague language. In a next step it will therefore be clarified how the SDG 4 is turned to be operative into its ten subdivided features by screening this document for its most precise visions for education. Following this, attention will be called to the UN-led establishment and implementation of sets of indicators which are essential for the monitoring and reporting of the SDG Agendas including SDG 4. The article will conclude with remarks on how the SDG 4 and its context might be relevant for research and lecturing on international dimensions of education.
SDG 4, Education 2030 Agenda, UNESCO, Sustainable development, Education for All
Adick C. (2018). Die Bildungsagenda der Vereinten Nationen aus dem Blickwinkel der internationalen Bildungsforschung. ZEP – Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik, 41(2), 11-18.