Ausgabe 2/2014, 106. Jahrgang S. 162–174
Individualization and Standardization in the Inclusive School – An Irreconcilable Antagonism?
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As a result of the “UN Disability Rights Convention”, the school system of the German Federal Republic is standing before a fundamental reconstruction with conceptual consequences for instruction, education, and the advancement of inclusive learning groups. Concepts of developmental psychology, education, diagnosis and assessment are presented. It is recommended to ensure individual learning in heterogeneous groups by a standardization of educational processes.
inclusion, theories of human development, theories of teaching, reference systems for the evaluation of developmental results, standardization of educational processes
Schuck K. (2014). Individualisierung und Standardisierung in der inklusiven Schule – ein unauflösbarer Widerspruch?. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 106(2), 162-174.