Ausgabe 2/2012, 104. Jahrgang S. 164–184
Eva-Maria Prenninger, Herbert Altrichter
Do Student Competitions and External Certificates Change Learning Processes and Work in School?
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Student competitions and additional certificates (such as Cambridge Certificate or European Computer Driving Licence), which are constructed by actors located outside the school system and which are offered by schools to their students as curriculum enrichment, may be understood as external curricular impulses on learning processes and work in schools. An explorative study of two gymnasium-type schools is discussed with respect to changes of governance which might result from these types of external curricular impulses.
student competitions, external certificates, governance
Prenninger, E. & Altrichter H. (2012). Schülerwettbewerbe und schulexterne Zertifikate als Veränderung schulischer Arbeit und schulischen Lernens?. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 104(2), 164-184.