The Journal for European Ethnology and Cultural Analysis (JEECA) has been established as the English language edition of the "Zeitschrift für Volkskunde" in cooperation with the "Österreichische Zeitschrift für Volkskunde" and the "Schweizerisches Archiv für Volkskunde" (all journals are peer-reviewed).
The Zeitschrift für Volkskunde (ZfVk) is the oldest cultural anthropological journal in Central Europe still in print: It originated from the Zeitschrift für Völkerpsychologie und Sprachwissenschaft in 1891 and was initially established as an organ of the Berliner Verein für Volkskunde by German philologist Karl Weinhold. Since 1963, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Volkskunde has been entrusted with its publication. The Zeitschrift für Volkskunde (ZfVk) is the principal German language journal for the disciplines of European Ethnology, Cultural Anthropology and Folklore Studies.
In order to make the results available to the international scientific community as well, we have launched an additional English online version of the journal, starting with the 2016 volume.
ZfVk / JEECA represents current cultural analysis in all its breadth, in contemporary as well as in historical perspective, in global as well as in regional and local contexts.
The contributions – mainly by researchers from German-speaking universities and research institutions – cover phenomena of everyday culture in European societies: Questions about sociocultural transformations and differentiation are posed, aspects of transnationalism and migration are addressed and historical micro analyses of regional living conditions and power structures are conducted. The focus of the orientation is on the present and the past. What is central and connects them is the perspective on the acting subjects, their practices, strategies and forms of knowledge. Depending on the research context as well as the spatial and temporal horizon, the articles are based on the analysis of fieldwork material, qualitative interviews, images, films, objects and archival material, including discourse and media analyses.
The DDS has a supplement that is published on an irregular basis.