Tristan NguyenMathias Pfleiderer

Über die Erfolgsfaktoren der Bildungs- und
Schulpolitik – ein internationaler
empirischer Vergleich


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The PISA studies in the last years have disclosed fundamental problems in the educational and training systems of many countries. According to the studies, it is apparently not sufficient just to increase the education expenditures per pupil regularly in order to achieve better pupil performances. This .input-oriented“ policy does not have any direct effects on the output in form of better pupil results. Therefore, it is the objective of this essay to analyze the framework conditions in which an education system can develop optimally so that the pupils obtain good performances at schools. We focus our analysis on the institutional factors such as .more competition in the school system“, „more school autonomy“,„more responsibility“, as well as a suitable combination of these factors.

PISA, TIMSS, School Develoment, Performance Test

Nguyen, T. & Pfleiderer M. (2012). Über die Erfolgsfaktoren der Bildungs- und Schulpolitik – ein internationaler empirischer Vergleich. ZEP – Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik, 35(4), 27-34.