Christian SchneijderbergNicolai GötzeIsabel SteinhardtJanosch Schindler

Peer Review and (E)Valuation in Organization-Dependent Interaction Systems: The Example of Accreditation Procedures in German Higher Education


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In the current state of theory development, the sociology of valuation and evaluation, in short: (e)valuation (Lamont 2012), manifests a gap in theorising the study of social environments and more formal regulations framing (e)valuation practices. This gap will be tackled by using N. Luhmann’s (1983, 2005, 2014) procedure or organization-dependent interaction system, and based on the categories of (e)valuation in accreditation procedures as fourth type of academic peer review. The results of structural equation modeling (survey among reviewers, response rate 45.6%, n=2704) show, first, that (e)valuation in accreditation procedures does neither depend on the type of procedure, neither the type of higher education institution nor the accreditation agency. Second, the review groups operate as organization-dependent but autonomous interaction systems. Third, the representative of the accreditation agency has a core function of coupling the organizational procedure and the individual (e)valuation practice. The results are interpreted based on existing peer review literature, and the context of the social partnership of the German states (Länder) and the academic profession.

Sociology of Valuation and Evaluation, Peer-Review, Accreditation, Higher Education

Schneijderberg, C., Götze, N., Steinhardt, I. & Schindler J. (2022). (Be)Werten im organisationsabhängigen Interaktionssystem: das Beispiel Peer Review in Akkreditierungsverfahren von Hochschulen und Studiengängen. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 21(2), 217-244.