Susanne GielSusanne MäderHannah Pütz

Participatory Creation of Impact Models


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Logic models and program theories have become a central tool in evaluation. Thus far, the discussion has focused less on the decision-making power of different stakeholder groups in the development of logic models: To what extent do the different groups have a say in decisions about the content of the logic model? Who decides which causal links or causal mechanisms are included in the model or program theory? Looking at two evaluations from the fi eld of health promotion programs, the article systematically examines the functions of logic models and program theories in the respective evaluations. It explores which actors are involved in which ways and up to which level of participation. In doing so, we also reflect on the opportunities and limitations of a participatory approach to the development of logic models and program theories. Our analysis is structured around the levels of participation deve-loped in the context of participatory health research. We conclude that the premises and concepts of participatory research elaborated in this context can provide valuable impulses for the development of and reflection on logic models and program theories in evaluation.

Participation, participative research, health promotion

Giel, S., Mäder, S. & Pütz H. (2021). Partizipative Erstellung von Wirkungsmodellen. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 20(2), 333-355.