Ausgabe 2/2021, 20. Jahrgang S. 267–292
How Impact Models Achieve Impact. Variants, Benefi ts and
Costs of their Use in Evaluation Practice
Impact model’ is an umbrella term for different forms of representing the mechanisms which underlie program functioning like program theories or logic models. Impact models describe assumptions about how, for whom, and under which conditions programs work. Their popularity in evaluation can be explained by their different supporting roles which can improve evaluation processes and results. Starting with important terminology and background, our main focus is then on different applications of impact models in evaluation and their possible positive effects both on the evaluation and the program level. Possible negative effects of using impact models are also considered. Based on a discussion from descriptive, theoretical, and prescriptive perspectives, we argue for more impact oriented thinking in social programming.
Impact Model, Program Theory, Logic Model, Theory of Evaluation
Hense, J. & Taut S. (2021). Wie Wirkungsmodelle zur Wirkung kommen. Nutzungsvarianten, Mehrwert und Kosten ihrer Verwendung in der Evaluationspraxis. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 20(2), 267-292.