Angela Wieser

Impact Assessments in Cultural Heritage


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In the last years, academics and practitioners in the field of cultural heritage have increasingly advocated a holistic understanding of cultural heritage and thus also a holistic approach of impact assessments in the area. The “Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe” report aimed at awareness raising among decision makers in the area. Also, first results of the research project this article is based on, have identifi ed awareness raising as a main precondition for holistic impact assessments in the area of cultural heritage. Only with the commitment of the parties commissioning the impact assessment, it is possible to ensure the appropriate timely and financial resources for a holistic approach. In practice, this implicates transparency in terms of the extent to which a holistic impact assessment can be implemented by the available means.

Culture, Cultural Heritage, Impact Assessment

Wieser A. (2021). Folgenabschätzung und Wirkungsanalysen im Bereich Kulturerbe. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 20(1), 179-187.