Ausgabe 1/2020, 19. Jahrgang S. 37–63
Determinants of Study Duration – Individual or Institutional Factors?
Secondary Data Analysis of a Nationwide Graduate Survey
This article deals with the question “To what extent do universities influence the duration of study?” Modeling the empirical analysis draws on earlier models of study success and examines them using an advanced model. The evaluation of a national graduate survey data set using OLS regressions focuses on the role of individual and institutional factors. It turns out that both are relevant. The results were largely confirmed when using advanced models, as well as in separate analyses for subject groups and for larger individual subjects. Overall, part-time study is one of the strongest interdisciplinary factors at least partially influenced by higher education institutions. If more flexible parttime study opportunities for students were offered, this would result in a significantly higher proportion of students in the regular period of study. This will become even more significant in the future in view of the funding program following the Hochschulpakt.
Study Duration, Study Success, Study Quality, Graduate Survey
Krempkow R. (2020). Determinanten der Studiendauer – individuelle oder institutionelle Faktoren?: Sekundärdatenanalyse einer bundesweiten Absolvent(inn)enbefragung. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 19(1), 37-63.