Ausgabe 1/2014, 13. Jahrgang S. 55–83
Benedict Dessauer, Eike Emrich, Markus Klein, Christian Pierdzioch
On the Evaluation of Publication Output in Sports Science
Artikel kaufenAbstract
Research rankings partly use bibliometric data. Indicators used in this context often are subject to criticism. This research examines problems and consequences of evaluating publication output in sports science. To this end, we characterize the market for scientific publications and we sketch the historical development of the so-called CHE ranking as applied to sports science. We then empirically analyse the effects of marginal changes in the weighting scheme for different types of publications on the ranking outcome. We also look at potential economies of scale, the effect of the publication type on the position of a researcher in the ranking, the correlation between the publication type and the age of a researcher, as well as the correlation between age and publication output.
Sports Sciences, CHE Ranking, Bibliometrics, Publications
Dessauer, B., Emrich, E., Klein, M. & Pierdzioch C. (2014). Zur Evaluation wissenschaftlicher Publikationsleistungen in der Sportwissenschaft. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 13(1), 55-83.