Ausgabe 1/2013, 12. Jahrgang S. 79–102
Clarifying the Status of Scientometric Methods in the Evaluation of Sciences in a Psychological View
Artikel kaufenAbstract
A clarification of the possible and the impossible contributions of scientometric methods in the evaluation of sciences and scientists is presented. Argumentation is developed that refers to (1) the origins of scientometrics in psychometrics, (2) an analogy to scientific developments in creativity research, and (3) a classification of scientometry in a holistic model of science evaluation and science research. Scientometry is not a theory or heuristic, but a methodologically defined research domain. As in psychometrics, in scientometric evaluations attempts are made to operationalize hypothetical constructs quantitatively with the help of empirical indicator variables. The tension between qualitative analyses of highest cultural inventions and quantitative analyses of divergent thinking is, in evaluation research, reflected in the tensions between qualitative peer review strategies and quantitative scientometry. Both strategies of research and evaluation are integrated in a Three-Stage-Model of Creativity and Scientific Achievement. This is demonstrated in a Filter-Model for the Evaluation of Science and Scientists and its classification into science research.
Science Evaluation, Scientometry, Peer Review, Scientific Achievement
Krampen G. (2013). Zur Klärung des Stellenwerts szientometrischer Methoden in der Wissenschaftsevaluation aus psychologischer Sicht. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 12(1), 79-102.