Wolfgang IlgMichael Diehl

Youth camps and international encounters in the light of multi-level analysis

A model of joint self-evaluation in non-formal education

Kurzlink: https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART100603

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The present article is a report about a quantitative study based on 679 youth camps and international youth encounters in Europe which took place between 2005 and 2010. The questionnaires addressed the participants (asking for their experiences), the workers (asking for their aims) and the leaders (asking for basic data). Selected data (5.136 participants, 973 workers) is analysed by multi-level analysis for identifying predictors concerning three criteria variables: personality, political reflexion and intercultural experiences. The analysis shows substantial differences in the results of camps versus international encounters. The aims of the workers are used as indicators for the pedagogical concept and contribute to a considerable degree to the explanation of variance. The method of joint self-evaluation presented here shows how evaluation data can be generated in non-formal educational settings, thus producing data for local use as well as for the comprehensive analysis on a general level.

Camps, Youth Encounter, Multi-Level Analysis, Self-Evaluation

Ilg, W. & Diehl M. (2011). Jugendgruppenfahrten im Spiegel mehrebenenanalytischer Untersuchungen : Erfahrungen mit vernetzter Selbstevaluation in non-formalen Bildungssettings. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 10(2), . https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART100603